Principal's Message

India is a developing Country where the importance of skilled professional plays a vital role for nation building. Industrial Training Institutes are setup with an aim to produce skilled professional to cater need of industries & other fields. In Odisha there were few Govt. ITI’s up-to the year 2000. Now the numbers of ITI’s have been increased to 49 and steps have been taken by the Govt. to open more number of Govt.ITIs.

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Er. Umakanta Pattnaik

News & Events

Role Models

Ashish Baran Mohanty

Ashish Baran Mohanty has come from a family where his father is a Businessman & mother is working as Accountant on A.G, Bhubaneswar.

Having great interest in Multimedia, he completed Multimedia & webpage designing course under CoE-IT trade from Govt ITI Bhubaneswar on 2011. By his own effort now he is the owner of a Event Management Company and also he has been doing Govt. documentary video as a director. As a visual director he is a shining example for all.

Bhagaban Bachhi

Bhagaban Bachhi is hailed from a poor family who has two sisters. His father was only earning member who with much difficulty tried to make the children somehow educated.

Bhagban also tried hard to support his father who after completing the training course in electrician trade of ITI Bhubaneswar got an employment by his sincere effort in TATA Steel Ltd. His income became a good support to his father.

Bhagyashree Behera

Bhagyashree Behera is very laborious & hard working. Her father is very poor without any job. His only source of income was to teach little children of primary schools in a tuition.

Gis small income didn't disappoint Bhagyashree, She decided to do a job and support his poor father. After passing from ITI Bhubaneswar in the trade of IT&ESM, she continued her constant effort to get a job & finally achieved the success. She is now working as a Data Entry Operator in JPAL South Asia and has become as asset to her father.

Biswa Pujarini Mohapatra

Biswa Pujarini has come from a family where her father is now also rendering his service as Asst. Training Officer in Malkanagiri ITI, Rayagada.

She is very innovative, dynamic who learnt many good qualities from her father. After completing training in Electronics Mechanic trade of ITI Bhubaneswar, She was not fully satisfied which encouraged her to learn more & more. Finally she completed MCA in Computer Science and now she serving as Product Architect as Tech Mahindra. As a software developer she is a shining example for all.

Debasish Pradhan

Debasish Pradhan hails from Marsaghai village near Kendrapara. He has lost his father during his childhood. He has only one elder brother employed in a Private Sector

and a mother with no income. He completed ITI in IT&ESM trade from Govt. ITI Bhubaneswar in 2014. His dedication rewarded him with a job in "INOX WIND, Ltd.", Rohika, Bangaluru as a Technician in Production division. Now Debasish is able to support his family by his income.

Dibya Jyoti Dash

Dibya Jyoti Dash was a very hard working trainee who passed ITI in the trade of Electronics Mechanic of ITI Bhubaneswar. Hard work deserves getting success.

His father is running as Electronics shop, mother is a housewife & his two brothers are un-employed. He tried his best to learn more & more and gathered practical experience & ability in electronics field. He was supporting his father at his shop during his studies at ITI Bhubaneswar in his spare time. His hard work rewarded him with a job in TATA steel Ltd.

Harapriya Behera

Dress Designing was always of great interest for Harapriya Behera. Independent in nature she choose to do dress designing, a one year course in ITI Bhubaneswar.

By raising small amount of funds started her enterprise "Padmalaya Design House" in a 12"X15" shop. Presently she employs 8 women with 4 sewing machines and successfully going ahead.

Kanhu Charan Behera

Kanhu Charan Behera hails from Ghoradia village near Puri. His father was a farmer. He has three brothers to support with very less income in family.

He had no support for his studies from family. He had to do tuition and part time work to help his father during studies. He completed CoE-IT with specialization in Multimedia and webpage design. With sincere effort he could qualify for Track Maintenance Engineer in East Coast Railway. Now he supports his family and earns respect from others.

Phulamani Murmu

Phulamani Murmu from Mayurbhanj lost her father when she completed ITI in Electronics Mechanic in 2003 from Govt. ITI Bhubaneswar.

She has four dependent sisters and one brother with no earning member in family at that time. She has completed her apprenticeship from GRIDCO, Bhubaneswar. Hard-work deserves success is proved by Phulamani after qualifying as a Technician in NALCO, Anugul. She supports her family wholeheartedly thereafter.

Shradhanjali Nayak

Shradhanjali Nayak hails from Chandbali, Bhadrak, her father is a retired Army Officer and mother is a house wife, She has completed ITI in CoE-IT specialization course in Multimedia

& web page designing in 2011. Because of her independent nature and dedication to study she got a job in "Minda Group Pvt. Ltd.", Gurgaon, Delhi as a Quality Checker and now she is able to help her family.

Sibani Sankar Sahoo

Sibani Sankar Sahoo has come from a poor family of a remote village in Dhenkanal District. He after passing ITI in Electrician trade of Govt. ITI Bhubaneswar tried to best utilize his skill.

So he by his effort opened a workshop "Sai Sibani Maintenance Work" at Dhenkanal. He is working hard to the fullest satisfaction of the customers. He has now become renowned for his skilled works & he is pulling the customers to his workshop. He is now earning & supporting his family. He is an example to the trainees of ITI.

Sikha Bisoi

Sikha Bisoi from Ganjam belongs to a poor family where her father is a small musician with very less income. She faced so many problems at the time of her studying at Govt.

ITI Bhubaneswar in CoE-IT in 2011 and finally she has completed successfully the specialization course in multimedia & web page designing. Her string determination to join as a Trainer-cum-HR in "DHOOT Transmission Pvt. Ltd.", Gurgaon, Delhi. Now she is supporting her family and earns blessings and respect from others.

About The Institute

Government Industrial Training Institute, Sheragada was started in the year 2018 and has completed more than 2 years of useful service to the student community across Odisha by raising their living standards by imparting to them several income generating skills. Different trades of the institute are affiliated to both NCVT and SCTE&VT.

Apart from vocational skills, we promote right attitude towards work, principles of healthy and purposeful life. We provide short term courses like Computer fundamental, Tally, Computer Hardware, Multimedia & Webpage Design , Basic Electrical ,Basic Electronics, Tailoring , solar electricity training etc.

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"Transform Society through Skilled Professionals".

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Our Vision

- Our Physical Digital and Intellectual Infrastructure would be among the best of the Country.

- At least a third of our Graduates will be Women.

- We will Provide the environment to create Great Entrepreneurs and Globally Employable ITI graduates

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Our Values

- Human Centricity

- Discipline

- Integrity

- Team Work

- Creativity

Notice Board

Campus Notice
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Apprenticeship Notice
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Quotation Call Notice
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Admission Notice
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